FREE access to your credit report, credit score and more!
Your credit score is an extremely important part of your financial life. It is based on several factors which includes your payment history, credit utilization, your mix of credit, and recent credit activity. Luckily, it’s not difficult to establish a healthy credit score once you understand how it works.
SavvyMoney offers tools that help you not only understand these factors but also gives you tips on improving your score.

If you're looking to improve your credit score, you can create a specific credit score goal that you want to reach. The SavvyMoney Credit Tool will send you personalized recommendations and you will be able to track your progress toward your goal within SavvyMoney!
You can edit your goal at any time and you will receive notifications when you reach certain milestones and when you ACHIEVE your Credit Goal!
The importance of improving your Credit Score?
- Good indicator of financial responsibility
- More likely to get approved for a loan
- Saves you interest over time
How to improve your Credit Score?
- Pay bills promptly
- Pay down credit card debt
- Use different kinds of credit
- Hang onto old cards
- Apply for new credit carefully
Do you want to be Savvier about your credit?
Enroll through online banking today!
Your credit score will automatically update every 30 days. As long as you access online banking at least once every 120 days; you will continue to have access to this free service.
+ Alerts You will receive Credit Monitoring email alerts from Savvy Money. Or you can choose to opt-out of the Alerts
*SavvyMoney is the authorized and secure service provider to WCTFCU for this service.
How to enroll in SavvyMoney
This resource is exclusively available to WCTFCU Members age 18 or older.
- Login to Online or Mobile banking and follow the prompts for SavvyMoney to register.
- Once you have signed up, you will see your credit score on your account summary page each time you log in to online/mobile banking.
- Remember to login to online banking at least every 120 days to maintain access to this service.